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Mediation between two parties can be at times very effective in coming to a resolution without the high cost of Litigation. We offer this option as another potential solution to resolve disputes and avoid a lengthy and costly court process. It can be a very efficient alternative to resolve a disagreement. We recommend this alternative as an initial option to open up dialogue with the opposing party of the case. This will allow you and our firm to understand the position and potential strategy of the opposing party named in the potential lawsuit. Our firm has many years of experience handling the complexity of legal disputes. We strategically review all aspects of your case prior to opening an initial dialogue with the opposing party. These types of disputes can be very personal, full of emotions and can have psychological effects that can be very traumatizing. We guide you and fight for you to secure a satisfactory resolution and at times can in some cases repair relationships.
A dispute resolution by Mediation can help you strategize a solution that can position you in a manner that will settle a dispute favorably and cost effectively. Our firm will guide you and help you understand the process of mediation as well as negotiate your position with all the facts of your case. We will strategically implement all the facts to strengthen your position for the mediation process. In many cases resolving disputes through mediation can create a solution that is more definitive and compliant than stipulations from the court. If negotiation through mediation do not produce a resolution, then there is still always the option of litigation.